How to Make a Basketball Emoji Copy and Paste Strategy

basketball emoji copy and paste

How to Make a Basketball Emoji Copy and Paste Strategy

Have you ever tried to come up with a good basketball headline or idea for your team’s next goal? Even if you’re the greatest minds in the school yard, working with college basketball teams can be tough work, especially if you’ve got limited time to spend on them. A lot of this can be attributed to the fact that college basketball is a very “fast moving” sport, that much of what you need to do as a coach can already have been done by the time the game rolls around. This leaves you with very little room to do anything besides basic preparation.

That’s where a clipboard and a pen come into play. Every coach will carry a clipboard with them anywhere, usually one large enough to hold a fairly large amount of paper, but smaller than the usual pocket-sized versions. This clipboard will usually contain lots of different coloured pencils, pens, erasers, highlighters, USB sticks, business cards, memo pads, and a couple of basketballs. Your team will use these things for notes during practice, meetings, and any other type of activity that they might find useful during their regular basketball games. As a result, you’ll need to have a way to easily make quick copies of any ideas that come to mind during a game.

What you can do is to take out your own copy machine (a laptop works great, too) and bring it onto the court during practice. Whenever a player needs a quick idea, jot it down on their clipboard, and then paste it into the system. This will give your team instant access to a wide variety of ideas, which can prove to be invaluable. It also serves as a great way to highlight certain aspects of each player’s game, such as how good their handle is, or how good their decision-making skills are.